Our Journey
Three-year Objectives for The Perins MAT:
The principal activity of The MAT, as set out in the Memorandum & Articles of Association, is to advance, for the public benefit, education in the United Kingdom, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing by establishing, maintaining, carrying on, managing and developing schools offering a broad and balanced curriculum.
Objectives, Strategies and Activities
The three-year objectives of The MAT were agreed by the Trust Board in June 2022 following a strategy day with staff and parents in January 2022.
Objective 1: Community/Wider MAT:
To strengthen the MAT brand within the community and beyond with a focus on inclusion, its broad curriculum offer and its excellence in sports and the creative arts, building links and adopting a flexible strategy to expansion.
Objective 2: The Perins MAT experience:
To grow the bonds between the schools in the MAT, ensuring that all voices are heard and involved in decisions while building strong curriculum links between the schools and a MAT-wide approach to staff development.
Objective 3: Mental Health and Wellbeing
To embed a positive and supportive approach to student and staff mental health and well-being and empower senior leaders to focus on their own well-being and work/life balance.
Objective 4: Equality and Diversity
ï‚·To improve the understanding of equality and diversity across the MAT, celebrating it so that everyone feels valued and welcomed and encouraging pupils to explore their own and other cultures and communities.
Objective 5: Communication
ï‚·To ensure a consistent approach to external and internal communications and publicity with stakeholders, so that parents and pupils feel part of the MAT and it and its values are effectively
Objective 6: Estates
To make the best use of the space and facilities at both school sites through the three-year Estates and sustainability plans that are being developed.
These objectives are built into the three-year Development Plan of The MAT and inform the individual school priorities and action planning led by the Headteachers, as well as the performance management of teams and individual members of staff.