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A message from  our Chair of Trustees 

'Unlocking Potential - Enriching Lives'

As part of â€‹the Trust Board, I am proud that all schools within our MAT give their students a rounded and broad education, helping pupils develop the highest of ambitions and enabling them to make a significant contribution to society as they go out into the world. Our schools are inclusive schools, and all our staff seek what is best for all pupils, with a clear commitment to the pastoral needs and well-being of every student.  


I am humbled by the opportunity to serve the Multi Academy Trust as Chair of Trustees. For the last 11 years, I have been a Governor and a Trustee in several schools and recently Chaired the Board of a Federation of schools in North Hampshire.


Our Trustees come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are appointed by the Members of the Multi Academy Trust or co-opted by the Board , based on their individual skills and experience to fulfil specific roles.


Our key functions as a Board are to:


  • Ensure the clarity of vision, ethos and the strategic direction of the Trust

  • Hold the Executive Headteacher to account for the performance of the schools, their pupils and the performance of staff

  • Oversee the financial performance of the Trust and ensure that money is well spent.


Parents and staff are encouraged to stand for election to our Local Advisory Boards to help support the Board at a community level.


The Trust Board always encourages engagement from members of our community and if you would like to contact me on any matter related to the Multi Academy Trust please email


Katy Toms 

Chair of Trustees


The Perins MAT registered office 

Perins School

Pound HiIl 



SO24 9BS 

Tel: 01962 734361 

Company number 07699705

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